You're beautiful beyond words,
You're beautiful to me.
You can make me cry.
Never say goodbye."
--Bob Dylan
"Never Say Goodbye"

Thank you to everyone who participated in the
"Happy 64th Birthday Bob Dylan" mailart project! I'll be working on some further documentation (besides this website) to mail to particpants. This might take a few months to get ready (no promises!).
These mailings also arrived on or near Bob's birthday:
From Karen Wood in Big Bear Lake California, an 8.5 by 11 inch mystical Dylan drawing! From Annie Label Art in Queensland Australia, a collaged envelope with Dylan image. From Timothy R. O'Neal in Oklahoma City Oklahoma, an 7.5 by 9.5 inch envelope with rubber stamping and a collaged / rubber stamp card with Dylan images inside.
Thank you once again to all particpants!
--Ed Giecek, May 28, 2005.