Sunday, January 09, 2005

Lavona Sherarts

Lavona Sherarts
Originally uploaded by Ed Giecek.
"Don't show me no picture show or give me no book to read,
It don't satisfy the hurt inside nor the habit that it feeds.
I need a shot of love, I need a shot of love.
--Bob Dylan "Shot of Love"

Lavona Sherarts from St. Cloud Minnesota USA has created 3 bookmarks and 3 post cards. The linocut images were carved by me (Ed Giecek). I sent the bookmark image to Lavona a few years ago as a mailart enclosure and the image on sheet music was sent recently with the Dylan Birthday mailart call information on the back of it. The bookmarks and post cards are nicely laminated and I've already put one bookmark to good use! Thank'zZ Lavona!


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